Spiritual Direction Information

What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual direction is a process of meeting with a spiritual director regularly whose goal is to help you deepen your connection with God.

People connect to God in different ways. Some examples are regular prayer time, reading scripture, enjoying nature, sitting in silence, journaling, making art, and more. My role as a spiritual director is to help you develop greater intimacy with God through a variety of spiritual practices. If you are just starting your faith journey, then spiritual direction is also a great way to learn about a vareity of ways to communicate with God!

Spiritual direction is an ancient tradition that can be found throughout scripture in both the Old and New Testaments. The formal process of spiritual direction came to fruition in the 3rd and 4th century church in Egypt. For a more developed history and description of spiritual direction see this article.

Is Spiritual Direction for me?

Spiritual direction is for you if:
-You are seeking personal and spiritual growth.
-You desire a safe context to explore your experiences of God.
-You want to deepen your prayer life with spiritual practices.
-You want to increase your connection to the Sacred each day.
-You are in a season of discernment or uncertainty in your life.
-You desire spiritual support during a major life transition.

What are sessions like?

The first introductory session is usually between 60-90 minutes which allows time for us to get to know each other and for us to formulate a plan for future sessions. Follow-up sessions are 40-50 minutes in duration. Our time together will include deep listening/prayer, questions about your spiritual/religious life, and sometimes recommendations for certain prayer practices, activities, or readings to develop your prayer/spiritual life. Each person is different in her spiritual needs, goals, and desires.

How often do we meet?

For most individuals, one meeting per month is sufficient to deepen and grow in your faith. Some people like to meet every two weeks if they are experiencing a life-change, seeking discernment for decisions, or experiencing a difficult season of life. We can always adjust our meeting schedule based on your needs and availability.

When and where do we meet?

Currently I am only doing sessions via telephone or FaceTime. Please see my scheduler for availability and to book a session.

What is the cost?

My rates are $65.00 per 50 minute session.

Are there requirements for me?

Each person is unique in spiritual development. I do not have a "set" of requirements to be a client. However, I recommend that you be dedicated to spending at least 2 hours per week on your spiritual life. You will get much more out of our sessions if you are actively seeking to grow your relationship with God outside of our time together!

Get Started.

If you would like to schedule a free consultation about spiritual direction or you want to go ahead and get started please book a session using my online scheduler. Thank you!